All abstracts must be submitted via the APCMS 2025 congress website ONLY.
All abstracts must be submitted in English only.
Abstracts shall NOT be longer than 350 words.
Only one optional figure or table may be included in your submission.
(The permitted formats for figures and tables are pdf, png, jpg, docx, doc)
When you submit your abstract online, your abstract will be automatically edited according to APCMS 2025 submission formats.
The submission form is intended for the review of the abstract.
The type of your abstract may be changed after the review of the Scientific Committee.
It is the authors’ responsibility to review the submissions and correct them. Submitters are responsible for all typing errors in the abstract.
It will be possible to check and modify your abstract until the deadline 24 (Fri), 2025(KST) on My Page.
The Presenting author whose abstract has been accepted is required to register with full payment for the congress before the pre-registration deadline to confirm their participation. If you do not complete your registration with full payment, your abstract shall NOT be included in the abstract book and will be withdrawn.